We are flexible, work fast and are cost-efficient. Our staff will gladly advise you and prepare offers according to your individual needs.

About us

In a network with partners throughout Europe, our goal is to achieve the best possible customer satisfaction. Our product range mainly consists of human medicines. In addition, we also carry various medical devices and cosmetics. Due to the EU Commission of 5. November 2013 Guidelines on Good Distribution Practice of medicinal products for human use (2013/C343/01), our delivery is exclusively carried out by Trans-o-flex ThermoMed Germany GmbH. Articles that do not fall under these guidelines will be sent by DHL.

Please note that due to legal regulations, we are not authorized to deliver goods to end customers. In such a case, we recommend that you contact the pharmacy of your choice. We solely supply manufacturers, wholesalers and pharmacists, so if you have the required licenses, we look forward to hearing from you.